Profile Picturetheminimalista

30 Days to Minimal E-Book

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Need a little help to go from cluttered closet to zenned-out minimalism? Want to live a more streamlined life but don't want to wear the same 3 shirts for the rest of your days?

I created this course (originally seen in an abbreviated form, on Instagram) to help you kickstart this new chapter: a life with fewer, better things.

Who this is for:

This course is not for people striving to own only 15 items, or travel the world in a backpack (although, you may eventually get to that point!) This course is designed for people who see the value in living a considered life. By examining what brings you joy and what doesn't, you'll free yourself not only from clutter but you'll learn to make room for the things that make you feel alive. The goal is to spend less time cleaning / rearranging / managing stuff - and instead start living life!

What you'll receive:

In this e-book, you'll complete 3 visioning exercises to help you paint a picture of what minimalism looks like for you. You'll then be introduced to the 30 Days to Minimal challenge: one task each day for 30 days. 30 days is not a long time, but it's long enough to change the way you think about your stuff. If you complete the exercises, I promise you'll see some real changes, not only in your home and wardrobe, but in how you view the world. For a little more than $1 a day, you'll get rid of clutter, make room for the things you love, and, at the end of 30 days, have fewer, better things, for a fuller, better life. In this e-book are:

- 40 pages of practical worksheets, homework, and tips

- visioning: these worksheets are exercises to help you visualise where you're going - designed to help you increase your chances of lasting success with minimalism

- 30 days to minimal challenge: one challenge per day - these worksheets give you daily homework to move you closer to minimalism every day

What to expect:

A little bit of encouragement, a small homework task, and a few tips from me - and 10 - 20 minutes per day from you, and you'll be amazed at what you can do in a month. This course is about focus and bite sized tasks. I'm an expat who's lived out of suitcases and small spaces for 5 years, so you'll benefit from my minimalist lifestyle!


After purchasing this eBook, I recommend you download & save it to your device right away, because it is yours to keep forever. It is not a limited subscription & you'll be able to access it at any time you want to start the challenge.

If you have any inquiries please email me at:

with love,

X The Minimalista

Don't miss out on your chance to kick-start a life of fewer, better things by signing up today!

Looking forward to having you on the journey,


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30 Days to Minimal E-Book

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